
Coordination and Cooperation of actors in the logistics chain Logistics for sustainable transport

It is a project funded by ADEME and involving researchers from the University of Pau é pays de l’Adour and IREGE (Richard Calvi and Daniel Erhel).

The CO2Log research project focuses on issues related to the implementation of the TEES (Economic, Ecological and Social Transition) and adaptation to climate change, with a focus on economic actors, transport and logistics companies, public institutions, transport and logistics professional associations, shippers (industrialists). The aim is to account for the interdependencies between the actors and the forms of organisational, collaborative and instrumental structuring that make it possible to orient individual and collective practices towards an EEO.

In particular, this research project aims to study the motivational factors and brakes associated with the launch of the EVE programme (Voluntary Commitments for the Environment) recently launched in France by ADEME. Following the example of other countries, where successful voluntary environmental commitment programmes are currently in place (SmartWay programme in the United States), the EVE programme aims to improve the efficiency of transport operators and reduce CO2 emissions.

Indeed the project started in October 2020 with a systematic review of research on the topic. An article is currently being written. Interviews with key players (in particular shippers committed to a “green” transport purchasing approach within the framework of the FRET 21 programme) will start at the end of 2020. One of the expected deliverables is the construction of a model based on the dynamic theory of systems, which will also make it possible to imagine how to act in order to develop the application of existing systems (planned for the end of 2021).

Project dates: July 2021 – June 2022