Mindfulness meditation program at Air France, quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the effects on employees’ relationship with work

Mindfulness meditation is a managerial innovation that is spreading within organizations of different kinds. However, the effects and mechanisms induced by the training of employees to mindfulness remain poorly understood and require further experimentation in various organizational contexts.
Air France offers its employees to follow a mindfulness meditation program (MBSR) outside of working hours, but in the workplace, as a mindfulness based stress reduction program (MBSR).

Air France and IREGE have joined forces in a scientific partnership to evaluate the effects of this program and measure its benefits and limitations.
This project took place between December 2018 and January 2020, and made it possible to measure the impact of the work meditation pilot project deployed by Air France (quantitative longitudinal study with a control group) and to better understand the nature of its effects and the mechanisms induced in the participants (qualitative study).

The results were presented at Air France in October and December 2019.
The synthesis report presenting the main results is available here

Contacts :
– Project leaders : Alice DUFLOT (Air France) and Daniel FRANCOISE (IREGE)
– Research team: Céline DEMARAIS (HEIG-vd), Daniel FRANCOISE (IREGE) and Mohsen TAVAKOLI (Burgundy School of Managemen

> Watch the webinar presenting the meditation and mindfulness programme deployed at Air France