Based on the researches of the two Ph.D students in behavioral and experimental finance, the objective of the project is to create a fun application, based on the teachings of behavioral finance, to better assess the profile of individual investors.

While the work in behavioral finance is gaining ground at the academic level, as evidenced by the Nobel Prize 2018 awarded to R. Thaler, they are still delayed in being implemented. One of the fields of application of behavioral finance, and in particular the previous work of Luc MEUNIER and Sima OHADI, is the profiling of particular customers, a legal obligation.

Many reports deplore the unreliability of the current profiling process, and its complexity for the particular investor. This entails a risk of mismatch between customer preferences and their investment portfolio, but also legal risks for banks.

The goal of this research project, conducted in partnership with the start-up OdonaTech and funded by Linksium, will therefore be to create a gamified questionnaire more reliable, simpler and more fun to allow a better customer profiling. This tool, parameterized on the results of the experiments conducted by the two PhD students, will allow a fine measurement of the risk sensitivity of the investors in order to better guide the investment choices and the financing modalities. Risk sensitivity is indeed a key variable to understand the choices of financial assets related to innovation and the energy transition, these phenomena being characterized by short-term implementation costs and very uncertain long-term benefits. but potentially important.

Three members of IREGE are collaborating on this valorization project (Luc MEUNIER, Sima OHADI and Mareva SABATIER), in connection with the SATT Linksium, the SATT accompanying the maturation of the project via a funding to the laboratory and the start-up ODONATECH.