Regards croisés sur la thèse et l’après-thèse (Crossed perspectives on thesis and post-thesis)
This second edition of the GEM-IREGE doctoral workshop will welcome the authors of the book “L’expérience de la thèse en management : Regards croisés de jeunes docteurs”, published in 2023 by EMS. This is an excellent opportunity for IREGE doctoral students and GEM PhD students to benefit from young professors’ feedback on the thesis. These young professors (some of whom are members of GEM and IREGE) will be present at IREGE on June 22, 2023, to talk about the various aspects of the PhD student’s career path.

Gaillard, H, Cloarec, J., Grandazzi, A., Senn, J. (2023) (Coord.). L’expérience de la thèse en management: Regards croisés de jeunes docteurs, éditions EMS.