This is the issue that the IOPEN chair has been tackling since October 2020, and last night’s masterclass allowed us to take advantage of the first results, and to identify the profiles +/- open to innovation among employees.

Philippe Silberzahn opened the evening by exposing the possible blocks to #transformation in the face of risks & uncertainties.
Our mental models are just as much guides to get through these events, unifying when it comes to shared beliefs, sometimes limiting when we face unprecedented or disruptive situations!
▶ Wanting to transform the collective therefore implies evolving one’s mental models… if only they are well identified!

Then Romain Gandia talked about opening processes, very often turned towards the external, and finally forgetting that the internal ecosystem can be a source of value for the company.

Sandra Dubouloz proposed a little game to know our level of transformation… A very interesting LIVE feedback!

And to finish, Rachel Bocquet presented the different opening profiles, to identify the internal actors of the transformation, with exciting perspectives on the managerial / organizational aspects, and the measurement of performance.