The IAE, the Business Club and the IREGE invite you to the Sponsorship Ceremony

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022
at 6 pm
at the IAE campus of Annecy (amphitheatre 12)

During this meeting, Philippe CROSET will present the Fournier Group, its challenges and its businesses. He will then address the theme: “The role of the manager in the transformation of the company” and present the transformations underway in his company.

Daniel Françoise (IREGE) and Caroline Mattelin-Pierrard (Paris 1 Sorbonne University, IREGE associate researcher), will conclude the ceremony.

> Registration and presentation of the health pass MANDATORY

*Each year, IAE students are sponsored by a personality from the economic, sports or cultural world. This is a great opportunity for the students, who develop a special relationship with their sponsor.